Nicola Whayman


Nicola’s creative work is inspired by and in response to her natural surroundings, mainly from her daily dog walks on the Deben Peninsula but also further afield. 

Catch on the beach 2024

Using her senses and experience, knowledge and research to reflect her perceived essence of the place into the pieces.

China Walk 2024

Thoughtfulness is given to the materials and practice, trying to work with nature as far as possible by using local resources, being as sustainable as possible while enjoying the process. 

Mahjong 2024 - response to China Visit

Continuing to develop the balance of challenging practice, products used and expressing responses to the environment.

Slowing down the process with hand stitch and making fibres from nature gives time to reflect on experiences.

Nicola is also a member of Fibre Transformation group, exhibiting with them in 2022 and 2023 and has had a piece in the Norfolk Markers exhibition in 2023.

Instagram @Quiltingthreads

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