Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Work in Progress for Textiles East exhibition

Out of the Fold members are all preparing work on the theme 'Out of the East' for the forthcoming exhibition Textiles East Fair at Swavesey College on Friday 16th and Sat 17th February 2017

Caroline is transforming this heap of silk strips into a piece of work based on the Sudbury Silk Industry

Come along to the Textiles East exhibition to see the result

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Out of the Fold now has a Facebook page

Out of the Fold have now launched a Facebook Page. If you are a Facebook user then please search for 'Out of the Fold' and send a friend request. Posts will only be textile related and we welcome you to 'like, share and comment' with textile loving friends

Detail from work by Penny Bamber

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Mary at Harrogate K & S

Mary will be demonstrating in the Artists in Action Zone at the Harrogate Knitting and Stitching Show on Friday 24th and Sunday 26th November 2017

Detail from 'Copper Bleach'
Detail from 'Copper wire'
Mary will be demonstrating removing colour from cloth with a technique she calls 'Life's a Bleach!'

 followed up by a second process adding colour as well as taking it out called 'Once more unto the Bleach!'