Jenny Lam


Jenny Lam

Having been inspired by the Creative Stitch and Advanced Stitch courses between 2018 - 2022, much of Jenny's work is in 3D and has focussed on the natural world and the life force within it. 

The cacophony 2022

Her pieces often combine artefacts such as dried seed pods with eco-dyed fabric forms or organic thread shapes produced with solubles, so that the viewer must look closely to identify which is man-made and which natural.  

I'll drift about Forever, all my Atoms,
Till I find you again. 2024

Some of her work is over 2 metres tall and she enjoys playing with scale and the sense of power that large works expresses.  

Unravelling. In memory of Andre. 2022

The Essence of Summer 2021

She has found solace in creating work with deep personal meaning as a result of difficult life experiences. 

Jenny also enjoys creating wallhangings combining paint, dyes, mixed media and stitch.

Jenny's  wallhanging "The Essence of Summer" was included in a student online magazine (Fibre Arts Take Two) entitled "Delving Deeper Into our Visual Language" (with Lorna Crane) in 2021, . 

The Broads 2024

She is also a member of the Textile Art group - Fibre Transformations 

Jenny has exhibited with the  Fibre Transformations group in 2022, 2023 and had a piece accepted into the Norfolk Makers Exhibition at the Forum in Norwich in 2024.

Contact Jenny:
Instagram: @jennylamtextiles and @fibre_transformations

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